Homepage \ FAQ \ What can I do to make my uploads faster?

What can I do to make my uploads faster?

There are 2 primary factors in upload speed: 1. your internet upload connection speed and 2. the size of the files you are uploading.

1. Upload Speed: Your internet connection speed is between you and your internet service provider. Contact them if you think you are ready for an upgrade.

2. File Size: Making the files you are trying to upload smaller will shorten the time spent uploading your files.  Bridges to the Past is not a repository for your high resolution photos. After you upload your images, the site itself will reduce them to a maximum 700pixel width. (It will allow a variable heigth so that it can maintain the original aspect ratio.)  For example, if you are uploading an 8 megapixel photo then the file size is gargantuan and unnecessarily time consuming to upload because the actual image that is going to be saved and presented on the Bridge site will be resized and limited to a 700 pixel width.  So it may well be worth your time to learn how to resize your pics before spending a lot of time uploading large files only to have them compressed and made smaller after the fact anyway. 

     I recommend having 2 folders for each set of photos.  One for your large high resolution original pictures that are stored by you as digital back-ups, and another subfolder holding all of the same photos but reduced in size to the 700pixel width. Once you have all the photos you are going to upload reduced to a 700pixel width then your uploads to your bridge should go much faster.   Very Important: When resizing, make smaller "copies" of the original, do NOT replace the originals.

There are a number of free programs one can download to convert a batch of photos quickly. Which program you choose to use is up to you. I have used the following and found them simple to use.  For Windows users, FastStone Photo Resizer is free for home use and KStudio has a donationware program called Resize! with both a Mac and Windows version.

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